Welcome to St. Albert Bible Quizzing!
Please click the headings below for information on the Bible Quizzing season running from September 2020 to May 2021.
October 16-17, 2020
Regional Quiz Meet
Location: Southgate Alliance (Edmonton)
Regionals is a great way to find out what quizzing is like without any pressure. This meet will cover the assigned verses from Matthew 1 through 6.
November 20-21, 2020
District Quiz Meet #1
Location: Park Meadows (Lethbridge)
The first district meet of the year. This meet will cover the assigned verses from Matthew 1 through 10.
January 29-30, 2021
District Quiz Meet #2
Location: Ellerslie Road Baptist (Edmonton)
The second district meet of the year. This meet will cover the assigned verses from Matthew 1 through 18.
March 12-13, 2021
District Quiz Meet #3
Location: TBD (Calgary)
The third district meet of the year. This meet will cover the assigned verses from Matthew 1 through 26: 1 - 35.
April 8-11, 2021
Great West Invitational Quiz Meet
Location: Crowsnest Bible Camp
The top 25 quizzers from our district are invited to compete against the top quizzers from four other western North American districts. This meet will cover all the assigned verses from Matthew.
April 23-25, 2021
District Finals
Location: Camp Caroline (near Innisfail)
District finals at Camp Caroline covering all the assigned verses from Matthew.
Weekly practices are held on Thursdays from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in our church building. Practices run from September to the end of April with a break for Christmas.
A typical practice includes:
- Bible Study / Small Groups
- Scripture Quoting
- Jump Practice
- Snack & Socializing
Guest are welcome to come to practices to see what Bible Quizzing is like.
Quizzing involves memorizing God's Word and competing in fun tournaments to test your knowledge.
Different books of the Bible are studied each year. This year we are studying the book of Matthew. There are different clubs that contain a certain number of verses to memorize for the year:
- Club 50: memorize 50 assigned verses.
- Club 100: memorize 100 assigned verses.
- Club 150: memorize 150 assigned verses.
- Club 300: memorize 300 assigned verses.
- Club Text: memorize the entire text.
You will select a club and memorize the assigned verses according to a provided schedule. At practices, you will be expected to quote what you have memorized to an adult / coach.
Quizzer Expectations
- Attend all practices and arrive ready to start at 7:00 PM. Please tell a coach if you are unable to attend or will be late.
- Bring your quiz book and sign off sheet to every practice and be prepared to quote.
- Be a team player: support, encourage and pray for each other!
Bible Quizzing is for youth in grades 6 - 12.
There is also a Junior Quizzing Program for children in grades 4 & 5. Quizzers in the Junior Program can participate in practices but not in quiz meets.In order to make Bible Quizzing a successful activity, parents are strongly encouraged to be involved. Some ways to get involved include:
- participating in and/or leading the weekly Bible study
- listening to quizzers quote verses they have memorized
- coaching
- learning table staff positions: Quiz Master, Answer Judge, Score Keeper
Various costs per quizzer include:
- Quiz Books: $6 to $14
- T-Shirts: $16 to $20 (estimate)
- District Meet Fees: $75 (estimate)
- District Finals: $120 (meals/accomodations at Camp Caroline)

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
"Let the word of Christ dwell in your richly..."
"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness..."
"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind..."